Albendazole TabletsAlbendazole Tablets Non –Prescription Medicine
Active Ingredient: Albendazole Description: Off-white color tablet
Pharmacodynamics: Abendazole is benzimidazole with wide-spectrum of against nematodes, tapeworm, and fluke. Nematodes are sensitive to them, on trematode need larger doses and not effective against Schistosomiasis. The mechanism is through binding of the parasitic microtubule of nematode and block the process of tubulin binding to α-tubulin then forming microtubules, so as to affecting mitosis and the metabolism of the parasite. Microtubules are basic structural units of many cell and are essential for cell reproduction processes such as mitosis, protein synthesis, and energy metabolism. Albendazole has significantly affinity for nematode than mammals, therefore has little toxicity to mammals. This product not only work for adult worm, but also larvae, as well as insect eggs. Albendazole is absorbed well by oral. Bovine absorb 50% of dose from the gastrointestinal tract. 47% drug recycle from urine by metabolite form in 9 days. After being taken by oral, Sheep is quickly metabolized albenddazle to albendazol sulfoxide, the main active material for insect repellent. The prototype just exit for short time. 20 hrs after administration, the albendazole sulfoxide and albendazole sulfone reached peak concentration. The elimination half-time of sulfoxide in cattle, sheep, porcine, rabbit and chickens were 20.5, 7.7-9.0, 5.9, 4.1 and 4.3 hrs. The elimination half-time of sulfone were 11.6, 11.8, 9.2, 9.6 and 2.5hrs. In addition of sulfoxides and sulfones, there are hydroxylated, hydrolyzed, and other complex that excreted in bile.
Drug interactions: Addition of praziquantel can increase the concentration of Albendazole in blood.
Indications: Anti-helminthiases drug, in treatment for nematodiasis, tapeworm, and trematodes.
Administration and Dosage: By oral. Dosage: Pigs & horses: 0.2-0.4 tablet/kg(BW) Cattle & Sheep: 0.4-0.6 tablet/kg(BW) Dogs: 1-2 tablet/kg(BW) Poultry: 0.4-0.8 tablet/kg(BW)
Adverse reactions: 1. To give dogs 50mg/Kg twice a day will lead to anorexia gradually. 2. Cats may appear mild lethargy, depression, anorexia and other symptoms occasionally. While using for treatment of Paragonimiasis., cats may refuse to take the product. 3. Dogs and cats may appear Aplastic anemia Occasionally. 4. Albendazole may casue Teratogenesis and embryotoxicity in first trimester of pregnancy.
Precaution: 1. Do not use for dairy cattle during lactation period. 2. Do not use for cattle and sheep in first trimester of pregnancy (first 45 days).
Withdrawal Time: Cattle: 14 days Sheep & poultry: 4 days Pigs: 7 days Withdrawal period for milk: 60 hours Package: 100tablet/bottlesX240bottles/carton Storage: Store in a tightly sealed container. |